The foundations of Essity’s quality requirements are described in the Quality chapter of our Global Supplier Standard. These are the quality requirements that we expect all suppliers to be compliant with. For strategic raw material and finished goods suppliers, additional requirements and product/industry specific demands are controlled and agreed upon through a signed Quality Assurance agreement. 

New supplier assessment

Essity is looking for high performing suppliers that comply with Essity’s quality requirements. To secure our high standards we evaluate new suppliers by certificate reviews, questionnaire/ self-assessments, visits, and both remote and on-site audits. 

Supplier performance is constantly measured

Essity’s suppliers are always expected to proactively manage the expected high-quality standards in their delivery. As a supplier to Essity, your performance will be constantly monitored, to secure high performance and continuous improvement.

At Essity we aim to work together with our suppliers to improve overall performance and secure zero incidents throughout the supply chain.