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Winnovation - The Essity Expert Podcast

Podcast Keymotive

As a leading global manufacturer of health & hygiene products, we are dedicated to improving well-being through our innovations in products and services. Our Winnovation podcast takes the listeners behind the scenes of various disciplines at Essity such as Sustainability, Marketing, Research & Development and others. 

Get to know some of our passionate colleagues and experts from the different fields and brands and find out where the latest winning innovations come from and how the future might look like.

Meet the host: Michaela Luise Stein

Michaela Luise Stein is Communications Director Global Brand Building at Essity. She is a passionate communicator, loves connecting with people and is dedicated to drive the conversation on purposeful and relevant topics through interactive communication platforms and innovative formats. 

Episode 7

How can we protect our innovations in a global world?

Jeanette Annegren, Vice President Intellectual Property at Essity,  talks about what it means to protect products and brands, the importance of intellectual property rights these days and why the digital world is not only a great opportunity but also a challenge.
Our expert: 
Jeanette Annegren has been working for Essity and shaping the organization across different categories and continents for many years. As our Vice President Intellectual Property she is key in developing and maintaining our competitive advantage. Working in Intellectual Property she appreciates the versatility and says “its fun, because it covers so many disciplines”.
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Episode 6

What shapes our corporate culture, innovations and brands?

Tuomas Yrjölä, President of Essity's Business Unit Global Brand, Innovation and Sustainability talks about leadership and his personal journey, brand building, Essity's latest groundbreaking innovations and the corporate culture. Further he gives a half-year review about Essity's agile moves, the latest campaigns and the soon-to-change-the-market-project "Columbus".
Our expert: 

Tuomas Yrjölä is part of Essity’s Executive Management Team. He has vast experience in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry and has been working for Essity more than six years. He is focused on consumer and customer centricity when it comes to innovation and strongly believes in "progress over perfection".
Episode 5

How can we build brands in the digital world?

Essity is a leading brand building company. To offer the best products and services to our consumers and customers, we need to listen to them. Data plays a key role. Gael De Talhouet, Vice President Brand Building, Global Brand Innovation and Sustainability, and Gabor Peter Kovacs, Global Masterbrand Director Umbrella Brand Consumer Tissue, talk about all the possibilities of data-driven marketing and how at Essity we leverage data for good and build consumer trusted brands in the digital world. 
Our experts:

Gabor Peter Kovacs works in Essity's Tissue category and is responsible for finding the newest technologies that can help to driving our brands. He is passionate about data and has become an advocate in collecting and leveraging data for a good - for a better understanding of who we serve and to ensure we offer the best experience in product and service for consumers and customers.
Gael De Talhouet has been shaping Brand Building at Essity for more than 5 years. He has been successful in defining what good looks like when it comes to brand communications and campaigns to make Essity a recognized leading in brand building company. He believes in courage, is constantly challenging the status quo and dedicated to find new innovative opportunities to make a positive difference in the life of our consumers and customers.
Thibaut Saphore and Palmira Camargo
Episode 4

How we can win in Latin America?

Latin America is a huge, complex and fast changing market. Thibaut Saphore, VP Marketing & Business Development Latin America, and Palmira Camargo, Vice President Communications Latin America, share their approach on how to win over disrupted markets and tell us why this approach might be part of the continent's DNA.
Our experts: 

Thibaut Saphore is responsible for Essity's business in Latin America. He believes that we need to stay agile in order to win in the long run. His team across several countries is united by their passion for tackling taboos and stigmas around relevant topics - responsibility together with passion is a powerful combination.
Palmira Camargo is dedicated to Essity's corporate purpose of "breaking barriers to well-being" and to our responsibility as a company to make needs of people count. She is the initiator of numerous initiatives with partners such as UNICEF and is consistently promoting gender equality and empowerment of women across the different countries in Latin America.
Duncan Phillips
Episode 3

What does the future of feminine care look like?

On average women spend six years of their lives having periods. Surprisingly, period products pretty much stayed the same over the past 50 years. Now this is changing at a fast pace, we see many products hitting the market – especially in the area of reusables. We also see a massive shift in how the topic of menstruation is now more openly talked about. Duncan Phillips, Essity's Vice President Baby and Feminine Care, speaks about how innovation will change the period game and his approach to the category being a man working in Feminine Care.
Our expert: 

Duncan Phillips strongly believes putting the consumers at the heart of everything we do. Under his leadership the taboo of talking openly about menstruation has been tackled. He and his team are responsible for break-through advertising campaigns such as Viva La Vulva, #bloodnormal and #wombstories which have been awarded with awarded with the highest number of Cannes Lions in Essity history.
Anja Werth, Vice President Research & Development Consumer Tissue, and Susan Iliefski-Janols, Vice President Sustainability Products & Services
Episode 2

Is sustainability the spark for innovation and growth?

Anja Werth, Vice President Research & Development Consumer Tissue, and Susan Iliefski-Janols, Vice President Sustainability Products & Services, share some insights on how sustainability is shaping and inspiring Essity's innovation funnel and explain how wheat straw will revolutionize the sustainable production of tissue products.
Our experts: 

Anja Werth is focused to translate consumer needs into products and process solutions. Under her leadership groundbreaking innovations such as coreless toilet and household paper have been developed and launched. Sustainability is part of every solution she and her team are working on.  
Susan Iliefski-Janols has been with Essity for more than 25 years and has been instrumental in shaping the sustainability journey of our company and has incorporated sustainability in every aspect of the business. She is strongly passionate about leaving a better planet for the next generation. 
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Episode 1

Is innovation the engine to growth?

Tuomas Yrjölä. President of Essity's Business Unit Global Brand, Innovation and Sustainability, tells us what makes a new product a winning innovation, and what marketeers should consider when launching it. Our host Michaela Luise Stein also talks to him about leadership and his childhood dream.
Our expert: 

Tuomas Yrjölä is part of Essity’s Executive Management Team. He has vast experience in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods Industry and has been working for Essity more than six years. He is focused on consumer and customer centricity when it comes to innovation and strongly believes in "progress over perfection".