This space was designed by Essity Smarthub team as a place for training and useful information designated for our external partners (ie. Carriers). Its goal is to anticipate possible doubts and upskill our partners on various systems used by Essity in order to secure the most efficient way of working between all the participants of the transport operations.

This space contains the most updated information regarding different systems, that our partners might need when working for Essity operations, such as the Ticketing tool (destinated to solve the incidences; the main source of communication between all the stakeholders involved in the operations), TMS (used for transport planning and optimizations; needed for Essity external users mainly to accept the shipments with the loading points that do not have Transporeon) and Transporeon (a main platform for slot bookings, management and monitoring of the shipments).

Additionally, there is a FAQs section with the most frequent doubts found among the carriers. 

Basic Smarthub overview

Frequently Asked Questions - Smarthub (FAQ)

Basic Ticketing tool for carriers

Advanced Ticketing tool - Best practices

Ticketing tool manual how to change your name user

Ticketing tool manual how- to use Google translate

Timestamping in Transporeon (Guide to Hauliers)

SIXFOLD - Carrier Communication Package

SIXFOLD - documentation for carriers onboarding